First Day of OJT

Today is the first day of my internship or in here we called it OJT (On Job Training) at the hatchery of University of the Philippines Visay, I will show you what thing that we did today, me and my the one and onlupartner Firman Agung Prastyo.

we started our first day of OJT at 09.30 am with Ms. Soledad S. Garibay. She was make sure our background first for synchronization comprehension, than teach us about  natural food organisms in microbiology laboratorium, as like phytoplankton and zooplankton, but different from what we learned on our campus, here we study phytoplankton and zooplankton of sea water, but in our campus we learned about phytoplankton and zooplankton of fresh water. And we get new knowledge about orgaisms pathogen of sea water that can attack gill of fish named Chaetoceros Calcitrans or Chaetoceros sp. 

Then at 12.00 am we go to the canteen for lunch, after lunch we go back to the hatchery for dzuhur pray in microbiology laboratory, after that we are continue our OJT by culturing Chaetocerus sp. And Tetraselmis sp.

How to culture Chaetocerus sp. Dan Tetraselmis sp.  :
• Add 150 ml of the culture of phytoplankton into the bottle (in Filipino we called it long neck).
• Add sea water 350 ml into the long neck. The comparison between sea water and the culture is 70%: 30%. (note: 25 ppt for Chaetocerus sp. 32-35 ppt for Tetraselmis sp.).
• Than add TMRL (Tungkang Marine Research Laboratory) fertilizer as like 0.5 ml of Na2HPO4, 0.5 ml KNO3, 0.5 ml Na2SiO3, 0.5 ml FeCl3. (note : Tetraselmis sp. Not using Na2SiO3). 
• After that add the air hose for the aeration and cover it with cotton as a filter from any dirth things, and then cover it again using aluminum foil for more savety and also using an air connector for connecting each air hose, than we connect air hose to the aeration, as like this pic.
• Don’t forget to use a label, and we can scale up after 3 days culture.

Than after culture phytoplankton we are look and count for some plankton by using Hemocytometer and of course microscope, the plankton that we find out are Artemia, Rotifer sp., Ditglum sp., Coscinodiscus, and many more.

After that I am praying than go back to my room in ISAT U, also dinner, take a shower than finished my blog report
