My Solo OJT

Wednesday, August 22nd 2018. This day become my second day also my solo day of OJT, because my partner Firman is not feeling well also he is got diarrhea because of he ate shrimp’s shell. So last time im learned about Vaname Brood Stock or Shrimp Brood Stock also do some identification by using microsoft with Ms. Jess she is kind  also active person, im not feeling hard to get the lesson.

She takes me to brood tock tank, than told me about where is the bad shrimp’s egg and the good one, and sign of the good one are the egg in above of water, have a space between the shell and the embrio, and the bad one is when the egg not in above of water, there is not space between the shell and the nucleus, also have a black colour when we are identify the egg using microsoft, all over the egg.
Than there 5 stage of shrimp’s to development their body :
Egg ->> Nauplii ->> Zoea ->> Mysis ->> Post Larva
When the shrimp on the Nauplius stage it like a spider, than there is 3 stage of Zoea :
  • ·         Zoea stage one : the shrimp already have long body.
  • ·         Zoea stage two : the shrimp already have eyes.
  • ·         Zoea stage three : the shrimp starting to developed the tail.

When the Zoea stage already done, the shrimp going to the next stage, which is mysis, also there is 3 stage of Mysis
  • ·         Mysis stage one : the shrimp’s tail be be delevoped
  • ·         Mysis stage two : the shrimp starting to developed the swimming legs
  • ·         Mysis stage three : the shrimp already have a swimming legs

When the Mysis stage already done, the shrimp going to the next stage, which is Post Larva (PL), the shrimp already look like an adult shrimp in general, but more tiny than usual.
And the most critical stage of the development of shrimp is when the egg become Nauplius, Nauplius become zoea, zoea stage three become mysis stage one, also mysis stage three become post larva.
After finished the OJT than im go back to my boarding room in ISAT U without using any public transportation aka walk, because I just want to explore, learn and look for something new in here, in Miag ao, than I have dinner, than take a rest.
