The 2nd Day

Thursday, August 16th 2018. At 08.00 am oclock we were going to ceremony field for Hanampang Opening ( as like sport competition).

Then the  master of ceremony introduced us to the students in ISAT U Miag ao and they were also sing a soong for us, the song is “Welcome to the Family”, and i enjoyed  the song while speechless because of how kind they are. After that we have our lunch also took some picture, than we were pray. 

At 12.30 pm we were going to University of the Philippines Visay and met the lecturer which is Mom Monic and Dr. Trevor in fisheries course, after that we came to the Mayor office, Mom Noeme introduce us to Mayor Hon. Macario N. Napulan, M.D. and take some picture. After that we go back to University of the Philippines Visay  for campus tour and orientation. After maghrib pray we go ouside for dinner with the teachers than go back to ou room.
