Harvest the Larvae #OJT

Monday, 3th September 2018. We were continued our OJT in green mussel hatchery, we started our activities for today with changed the water of nursery tanks (don’t forget  to pray first before started our activities).

Then after that we feed the green mussel, after that we went to cafeteria for had our lunch, then we back to hatchery for change the larvae tank (because today I joined the larvae harvest), then I counted how much larvae in 1 ml (by using microscope). 

we need to counted the larvae, because we need to find out how much the growth from the spread time until harvest time (I am using SedgewickCounting Cell for counting the larvae). Ms. Dona teached me this Formula.

larvae = (larvae in 1 ml) x (vontainer vol)

For example :
Sample 1 : 168 larvae/ml
Sample 2 : 184 larvae/ml

Than we add up to how many larvae and how many samples are divided. For example we had 30.000 ml container volume.

larvae for 1 ml = 168 + 184 = 352
                                 = 352 : 2 = 176 larvae/ml
larvae = (larvae in 1 ml) x (container vol)
               = 176 x 30.000
               = 5.280.000 larvae.

After finished our OJT we back to ISAT U, but when our way back, there is a hablon festival. Then we enjoyed the festival for a while, also took picture. Then I go home for finished my report, had dinner and rest.
