Friday, August 17th 2018. Today is our independence day, Indonesia raya. And MOA Signing, We were ready at 06.00 am dan we departured to Iloilo city at 06.30 am with my friend Firman, Mom agnes, Mom Noeme and Mr. Jose. At 09.00 am were celebrateing welcome program at ISAT U Iloilo and also MOA Signing. 

Before go back to Miag ao I have to wait for Firman finished his jumat pray first.
Then we have our lunch with Mr. Ramon, also our buddies which are Aby and Cha in Bistro café, and today is the big day! Because finally I found the most delicious food in philliphines, named baked talaba! i can not describe how much I love this food, I cant found this talaba in Indonesia, it's rare for a restaurant to sells this cuisine and this food is one of expensive foods in Indonesia.
, but in phillipne I just have to spent 100 – 250 peso (if im not mistaken). Thank you so much Mr.Ramone, aby and Cha for introduce me the best food I ever tried. After have dinner we go back to our room for take a rest.
Before go back to Miag ao I have to wait for Firman finished his jumat pray first.
, but in phillipne I just have to spent 100 – 250 peso (if im not mistaken). Thank you so much Mr.Ramone, aby and Cha for introduce me the best food I ever tried. After have dinner we go back to our room for take a rest.
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